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Real Contact

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

We all want contact, we have this natural need to connect with other human beings so that we are reminded of who we are and experience that we are not alone.

True contact can only happen when we are in contact with ourselves. 

And connecting with somebody else does not mean that you go into his/her energetic system, that you try to feel into him or her. Contact is only truthful when you stay connected with yourself and stay within your own energetic system. Contact with the other happens simply by pure intention. This kind of contact allows a lot more freedom, respect and clarity.

Many times being in contact will activate some specific inner knowing, but that is simply part of real contact. True contact is respecting the human condition as it is, staying in the here and now, allowing everything to be present, in unconditional love.

Ilse Scheers, October 2013, Full Moon


Ilse Grace Scheers

Brennan Healing Science Practitioner
Center for Energy Work

Mechelsesteenweg 309
2500 Lier

+32 (0)478 393118

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