

Know more than you think

We think so much, sometimes we almost break our heads while this is just a waste of energy…

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Decision paralysis?

Often we can get stuck because we have to choose: it seems so important and there is not enough time and there is not enough information.

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We are all looking for balance, balance between work and free time, between yourself and your loved ones, between action and rest..

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Knowing and feeling

I feel it but I don’t know, or I know it but I don’t feel it… is that what is meant by male and female energy?

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The illusion of separation

We all know it: those moments of loneliness, of feeling separated, of not belonging anywhere…

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Your life task?

What is meant eaxctly by life task? Do we only have one purpose in life?

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High frequency, what is it really?

Often I get questions about high frequency. Is that the same as high sensitivity? Has it something to do with high sense perception?

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Creation, your own religion

At the end we are here to create, to allow the unfoldment of what is going on in our deepest Self, to let ourselves move at the deepest so that we feel connected with all intrinsic movement, with the core of life itself. 

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Protect ourselves energetically?

How can we protect ourselves energetically? I often get this question and it is also justified. Often you run empty and you don’t know why.

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How triggers always lead to gold…

Sometimes you suddenly run out of energy, where did your energy go, what happened?

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