
Your life task?

‘Discover your life task’, what does that really mean? This is the way I understand and experience it every day: we have a potential that is a lot bigger than we are aware of, let alone use. Your life task isn’t simply a choice or a purpose, it is about who you are at the deepest, what brings you profound joy. The current commercialisation around coaching and personal growth plays around with this term as if it is about creating a dream and then simply living up to that dream by commitment and belief, the reality is different. It is about discovering your dream, it is already there, you had it within you when you entered this world. It touches you in your deepest being, it is not a superficial or popular choice. 

Often your life task is linked to your profesiion, yet often it is not. A life task can be: ‘I will become an independent woman’ or ‘I want to create a harmonious family life.’ These two examples have hardly anything to do with a specific profession and they can be true life tasks. Image that you come from a though family situation, you will need all your energy and devotion to creating harmony in your own family, and may that be exactly what makes you the most happy. Or you grew up amongst symbiotic or dependent relations, the way to independency will ask all of you ànd the delight will be equal!

A life task brings you into your deepest growth ànd offers you your uttermost pleasure in life. A professional sporter has to put in everything, overcome himself or herself over and over, but he or she want nothing else but to improve their results, by doing that they experience the most intense fullfillment. Yes, it is about commitment and devotion and belief yet the deep recognition of the soul brings all these efforts in balance by enhancing your growth in the most profound way. Actually, when you manifest in an effortless way, you can be succesfull and satisfied, and it is probably a very delightfull thing to do, yet chances are pretty small that it is about your life task, parallel there will be an area in life that demands your full attention.

Sometimes people have more than one life task, one is finished and the other one pops up. In these cases, these serial tasks have a specific purpose, one is needed for the next one to occur, it works in steps. And ofcourse you always have free will which means that depending on the amount of personal work you do, your life has a certain tempo. How far you want to go, you partly decide yourself. Your body tells you anyway where your deepest longing lies and will do everything to guide you in that direction. Is it your (sometimes unconscious) purpose to paint full time, then others gates will close and you will discover that only when you choose this direction, your energy will flow all the way, even when it seems/is hard. Because energy flow means personal growth, and personal growth leads to joie de vivre, that’s how it works!

Where it comes down to in essence, is that we are here to learn, to gather more consciousness, so that we can experience more life quality and start to understand this planet and its civilisation.

Ilse Scheers, May 2018, Full Moon

Image: ‘Life plan’, holograms by Janosh