Know more than you think

We think so much, sometimes we almost break our heads while this is just a waste of energy…

It is not by thinking more that more wisdom comes. Understanding more, knowing more, yes, but that has much less to do with thinking than we do…think. A deep trust in life ensures that you know what to do, that you know when something needs to change, that you know how to tackle something or not to tackle something..

Seeking the connection within yourself provides all the information you need. In the West, however, we are conditioned to think about everything. The mental is always flourishing because it naturally keeps the economic society at a (too) high pace. However, as soon as you start to step out of the rat race, you realize that it is much less about your head than about your heart and stomach.

Reconnect with nature, with a safe environment, surrender more and know that life is evolution and that it only gets better when you put your soul at the wheel.

All love and peace and warmth for the dark days that are coming: enjoy your peace, your place, your family and/or friends,  yourself***

Ilse Scheers, December 2018, new moon