Often we can get stuck because we have to choose: it seems so important and there is not enough time and there is not enough information.
However, most choices are of secondary importance: the main line counts, the general direction you choose, and which paths to take are more of a side issue. It becomes a control story when you start focusing on every decision, it prevents you from living in flow, you go too much to your head. When you are connected to your entire body, you notice that you doubt much less and simply choose from a kind of obviousness. You let life take its course more, your life, but more from a surrender and a trust.
It can be very nice to choose if you take the time for it, calmly or rather driven, but with the awareness that choosing is then an act of (self)care and (self)love. Choosing then becomes, as it were, an increase in your awareness regarding a certain topic: you figure it out, you feel it, you know more, you decide.
Sometimes we mainly need more information, the stress then comes from insufficient knowledge to be able to decide. We can get this knowledge from both the outside world and our inner world. Gaining insight into the necessary information is often a mental process that brings a lot of excitement or an emotional process that sharpens patience and intuition.
And of course there are moments when making decisions is important: themes such as health, family, school, partner, home, work, etc. are different in nature and require the necessary attention and coordination with your soul. Soul decisions have a direct influence on your functioning, on your being. And your body is always an advisor if you are prepared to really listen. But sometimes your connection is snowed under or pushed away because of bad memories and then it is important to restore a clear connection. A good conversation, a walk or meditation, a professional, today all the help is available to make your own choices.
That is evolution, isn’t it?
Ilse Scheers, November 2018, new moon
Image: ‘Choices’, holograms by Janosh