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The love of the world

Don’t you look at me this way,

I just find out the words to say.

I need the love of the world

I need the love of the world

I always thought that I would stay,

I always knew I’d leave one day.

I need the love of the world,

I need the love of the world.

Come let’s dance let’s party

Open up that body and live

Come let’s dance let’s party

Losen up that body and live

I feel the pain around my heart,

I wonder if we need to part

I need the love of the world

I need the love of the world

Remember all the times before,

It opened up another door.

I need the love of the world

I need the love of the world.

Come let’s dance let’s party

Open up that body and live

Come let’s dance let’s party

Losen up that body and live