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Let’s meet at Six

Let’s meet at 6

I got a couple ideas, running around in my head

Let’s meet at 6,

Let’s go out in the night,

Stare at the stars with our passion for life

And it feels complete,

An overwhelming heat,

And it goes on and on and on

Let’s meet at 4,

Got a couple ideas, beating around in my heart,

Let’s meet at 4,

Let’s go out in the air,

Meeting new strangers and love affairs,

And it moves around, the beat goes up and down,

It moves around, around and around.

Circling to the core, always wanting more, never felt before…

Let’s meet at 2,

Got a couple ideas, beating around in my legs,

Let’s meet at 2,

Let’s be hungry and wild,

Touching and making love day and night,

And it feels so good,

So juicy, soft and smooth,

And it goes up and down, and around,

Let’s meet my sweet,

Touch me deep, Sleep with me for always, Lalala