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About life

It’s about me, no more stories of older times,

no more fingers to point out at me,

it’ s about me, no more tears for a better world,

no more excuses troubling to see.

People are telling me, why do you always keep looking for better and more  out of life,

Just find your peace and self believe

It’ s about you, always behaving so perfect, unbearably certain and true.

It ’s about you, always ready for helping out and losing your own things to do.

People are telling me, why do you always climb higher

and higher, don’t know where to stop.

Just realize, it ’s hard to find.

It’ s about life, why are we here, where are we now,

in this merry go round of life.

Why are we here, where are we now.

It’s about life, the illusion of self control, …

It’s about life, it’s the calling of the soul, …

People are telling me,

Why do you always keep reaching for higher and deeper within,

just realize, the state you’ re in.

It’s about life, why are we here, where are we now,

in this merry go round of life.

Why are we here, where are we now.