photo: Ella Meeusen
Singing from Within & Energy Work
The workshop is all about getting more in contact with your Self, through Singing from within and Energy Work. It is about feeling what you sing, singing who you are, moving with your voice, experiencing more energy flow in your body through movement and sound!
Energy Work is a bundle of tools that enhances your energy to move and allows you to experience more healthy and deeper flow in your body and energy field. We tend to think too much, to rationalize our experiences instead of really experiencing them. The tools vary from real body movement, to specific energetic exercises, to singing.
Singing from within is a very powerful and totally natural tool to move your energy. And combined with energy work, we touch upon the different levels/frequencies so that the (sound of your) voice will move through all of your energy levels. The more you ground into your body, the more you embody your singing, the more you embody who you are and that is in essence what brings ultimate pleasure in life!
So whether it is that you want to feel more of you, become more of you, sing in a more embodied way, all these reasons are good to come and join! It will have an impact that will last long after and it will help you choose the right directions in life, fully experience the life that you choose, your life, in connection with your soul.
You really don’t need to be a professional singer or have any singing experience for that matter yet also singers will totally enjoy the approach. It is about aliveness, deepening the embodiment. For people who are not used to sing but really like to do it, they will discover their voice and be surprised of the effect, it is truly life changing***
Drawing: channeled drawing by Awi, /
Weekend August 11-12 2018
Saturday & Sunday, 9.30am till 5.30pm
Location: Reykjavik, Iceland, Hotel Kriunes:
What to bring: pen and paper & easy clothing
Price: 36.900 Kroner (lunch included)
Local organizer: Johanna Jonasdottir
Trainers: Ilse Scheers & Johanna Jonasdottir
Johanna Jonasdottir is a Holistic Conversational Therapist and a Brennan Healing Science Practitioner with a thriving full time practice in Reykjavik Iceland. She is also a trained teacher from Barbara Brennan School of Healing and is currently teaching on the 4th year in the US school, located in Florida. She studied at Barbara Brennan School of healing for 7 years before coming a teacher at the school. She also organizes workshops in Energy Work and Healing. Johanna has a BA degree in acting and worked as an actress for 25 years, as well as a belly dance teacher and restaurant manager. Her passion is an unending interest in inner work, personal growth and self-healing and she seeks to inspire people from all over the world.
Her website: