

Changing habits – Defenses

Going through the process of transformation brings you into contact with all your defenses. You really start to feel what your heart wants but excuses and defenses arise. And some of them have become true habits. ‘I am not worth it’, ‘I cannot…

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Changing habits – food

Changing habits is inevitable in the transformation process. And old habits can be pretty harsh, you learned them in your childhood, or at some point in school, or while hanging out with friends. Habits are also culture related: the collective consciousness holds habits…

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Comfort Zone

Full transformation requires leaving your comfort zones, one by one. We tend to stick to situations that we know, that we have learned to deal with, that we can handle, even if they are not good for us. Leaving the comfort zone and trying something new takes courage and will power. It is about creating…

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Going through the process of transformation brings you at some point into very deep contact with your family; the people who brought you into this world, the people who grew up with you, the people who know you in some way, and have…

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Love & Truth = Light

When we choose to live in the light, it is not only about unconditional love, or highest truth, it is about both. No deep truth without love, no real love without truth.

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Real Contact

We all want contact, we have this natural need to connect with other human beings so that we are reminded of who we are and experience that we are not alone. True…

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Highest Truth

Going through the process of transformation makes you start to live from your highest truth only. Your body gets more and more aligned with your soul’s longing and every thought, every action results in a body experience. It simply becomes a way of…

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When we really start to live from the heart, we experience true self-love and a real sense of being ; we are daily guided by a natural knowing,  a new kind of clarity. It is experiencing the effortlessness, trusting that life gives us…

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Beginning of Unity

21st of December 2012 was a historic turning point: from that moment on, the rising of the frequency has started to accelerate, step by step, with no point of return. It is the end of Creation of good and bad, the end of…

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Transformation is for everyone. Transformation is the most profound growing process that makes us live our life in a new way: there is no longer need for control, instead we experience freedom…

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