This means that finally times have come for all to live in unity, to give up struggle and duality, to experience the fact that we are all one and that we are all interconnected. The Light has finally taken over and has started to shine, more and more, even/especially when resistance is big.
Because resistance is everywhere: giving up a so called safe place, is not easy and old structures that have survived for so many years, simply have to transform, there is no other way. It is time to take up full responsibility and feel a deep connection to the World. And yes, there is a lot to forgive, to endure, to transform but every step makes you feel lighter and inner peace gives you the strength to move on.
Everyone who gives in to this deep longing for unity and peace, will feel the bliss of letting go, will find new connection with the Self and will overcome all difficulties. This world is meant to be a beautiful place, in our essence we are all spiritual beings. Let’s remind each other of who we truly are, let’s all find our place in this world and feel the connection and the joy of uniting. It is finally time to really make it happen.
Ilse Scheers, May 2013, Full Moon
image: Janosh