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Becoming Whole [Album] – CD


BTW inbegrepen. Verzendkosten worden berekend bij het aankopen.

Album – CD – 432 Hz frequency

Artist: Ilse Grace
Release date: June 20, 2020

8 songs & 1 bonus track
  1. More of Me – 3’40”
  2. Softspace – 4’37”
  3. Glistening Heart – 5’04”
  4. Accepting the Soul – 4’18”
  5. Soon – 4’05”
  6. I’m on you – 5’14”
  7. What is it good for? – 3’59”
  8. Open your heart – 5’14”
  9. Be As One – Bonus Track – 4’32”

‘Becoming Whole’ (20-06-20) is my second album, about 7 years after my debut album ‘Heart Matters’ (12-12-12). A period in which I changed my career from Manager in the Contemporary Art Scene to starting my own Company in Coaching & Energy Healing. Today is has evolved into a Center for Energy Work, focused on raising consciousness, based in Lier. I offer sessions, workshops, lectures and professional trainings  in Belgium and abroad. A Center in which I also create my music***

It was the encounter with Bob Seghers in Glastonbury (2017) that pulled me over, my songs had been ready for awhile yet the idea I had around sound and energy needed a different production approach. Bob turned out to be thé man I needed.

The musicians were actually easy to find: the drummer of my first album, and good friend Kris Deurinckx had been diving into the bass for years. He wanted to join right away, yet this time on the bass. So cool, he is playing it wonderfully! And a common colleague-musician of Kris ànd Bob turned out to be exactly the fantastic all-round drummer we needed: Nico Manssens.
Last but not least we found the rest of the dreamteam: lovely musicians ànd professional (backing) vocalists An Pierlé, Cleo Janse and Esther Lybeert.

My songs are again about Life, about Love, about the Soul, about a Global Love (R)Evolution. And my growth on the personal ànd artistic level together with the diverse expertise of Bob made this Album to what it is: Becoming Whole.

See, feel, hear, taste for yourself, I hope you will be inspired!

”Bob Seghers spends his life connecting creative and productional challenges. Starting out behind a church organ at age 10, sound intrigued him more than anything. He looks for a balance between melody and harmony, sound and rhythm, colouring songs as if they were paintings. His contributions to this Ilse Grace album started out with co-writing Ilse’s songs and include playing all keys and recording and mixing the album.”

Ilse Grace Scheers – Lead vocals, backing vocals & chakra drum

An Pierlé – Backing Vocals
Cleo Janse – Backing Vocals (songs 1, 2, 3, 9)

Esther Lybeert – Backing Vocals (songs 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
Bob Seghers – Keyboards & programming
Kris Duerinckx – Bass
Nico Manssens – Drums 

Bob Seghers – Production, recording and mixing
Pierry Tys – Recording & mixing engineer

Drums & Bass recorded at Rockstar Recordings (BE)
Keyboards recorded at Studio EP Service (NL)
All other recording and mixing at Seghers & Seghers Studio (BE)

All lyrics by Ilse Grace Scheers
All music by Ilse Grace Scheers & Bob Seghers

Meer muziek

Becoming Whole [Album] – Vinyl


Heart Matters [Album] – CD

