
From blockage to movement

Like everything in this cosmos, the human body is also composed of energy. Inherent to energy is that it moves.

This applies to every part of our physical body, and also to our mental processes and emotional awareness. Evolution and personal growth means movement, allowing the natural flow of life and repeatedly releasing blockages. Blockages arise because your energy was pushed back or cut off or pulled away. These can be minor or major traumas, in any case it is something that everyone experiences, certainly as a child when your own shielding is still minimal. You can be blocked in setting intentions, in allowing your feelings, in understanding mental connections etc. Blockages can be released by seeking out nature, sometimes gaining full insight is necessary, sometimes personal energetic support is needed.

Blockages concerning the big questions of life and who we are deep down also exist, and increasingly so in these times. This society offers little help with deep blockages, medication slows down and relieves but does not address the cause. Reconnecting with our deepest self, with our soul, with nature, with this planet… Moving again and letting move, panta rhei.

Working on your blockages, including your subconscious, takes time and effort. However, it yields so much: feeling a total connection with your body, with your entire being, true life force and joy of life!

Ilse Scheers, March 2019, New Moon

Image: Movement, Janosh