

Letting go: sometimes it seems impossible..

The Moon of the Hunt: What are you chasing in life?

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The Core of the Work

Limited beliefs are at the core of personal growth work. On a mostly unconscious level we are convinced that we are too weak,

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We all seek Unity because that is what truly thrives us . But how can we deal with complexity in the World around us?        

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Dearest Horsey My Mirror

Her big eyes are soft and alive and shine from so deep. 

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More of me

The more we do the work of self-realization, the more we start to feel ourselves, all of ourselves. No need for boundaries anymore, we fill up our own space by who we are and meet other people from that place. It creates a lot of ease and peace.

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To feel really alive is a tremendously intense sensation : your cells are jumping, your heart beats fast, your mind seems to agree with all, you feel — safe and joyful and fulfilled. The body seems to say “We want more!”  

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On the Edge

Sometimes you are in a place you know so well, you have been there before yet now it feels profoundly diffferent. 

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Spiritual or conscious?

I understand now more clearly how the spiritual scene triggers me at times — it is not the crystals or the incense anymore. It goes way deeper. It is the lack of commitment to be active on the higher levels ànd at the same time be engaged in planetary change. It is IN the world…

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Do you also long for…?

Sometimes they tell me — Ilse, you are wanting it too much. And my first reaction is to get angry! Why can we not passionately want something?.. And then I feel again what this is really about: Desire, embracing deep longing. There is a world of difference between ‘wanting‘ and ‘longing for’. Your heart gets…

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Are you normal?

Are you normal? I often get the question in my professional practice, “Am I actually normal?” And then I answer immediately, “Thank God no!”

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