Knowing and feeling

I feel it but I don’t know, or I know it but I don’t feel it… is that what is meant by male and female energy?
So it is not about men versus women but about the quality, the uniqueness of the energies. Knowing, the yang energy (male) comes from heaven, builds a frame of reference, gives structure, is about form. Feeling, the yin energy (female) comes from the earth, provides power and ensures movement and content. These two cannot do without each other and have become very unbalanced in the past time zone: the current Western world has since then mainly run on knowledge and this yanging is reflected in everything. The head was elevated to the most important part of the body and Science became the new religion. However, a person is so much more and the same applies to a society. Children no longer fit into the current educational models, young people are getting tired of school more and more quickly, the pronounced yang approach in companies and from governments leads to stress and above all disconnection from the essence of the matter.
But evolution has irreversibly started, new initiatives are everywhere, and they are all about sharing, feeling, flowing, together with our planet Earth. A new approach in which intuition is given a place again and man is brought back into his wholeness: head and belly, with the heart as the ultimate connection.
The knowledge gained from the yang principle has of course also yielded many good things: let this high consciousness around Knowing now become a breeding ground for the new jinne movement, which can flow fully and initiate innovation, a flow that can thrive in the adapted forms of Knowing.
Feeling is given its rightful place in order to inspire a new era in balance.
Ilse Scheers, August 2018, full moon