
Year Training 2015-2016 Conscious Being – Year 1

‘Conscious Being – Fully being who you are, 
being guided by your inner voice only , 
feeling deeply at home with yourself’

Do you bump into the same walls all the time? Do you have difficulties with certain relations? Or do you wonder whether you are living the life you really want?  Are you into transformation/transition? How do you deal with fears and insecurities? Can you allow your own feelings? Do you experience enough pleasure in your life? Do you dare to life by intuition? Do you feel related to the world of today?

The training consists of theoretic and experiential energy work: divers energy models, skills and therapy methods, divers experiential (group) work, meditation exercises and personal coaching.

*Mindfulness/Meditation work *Transformation of child consciousness

*Theory and group work concerning the human energy system 

*Discovery of your inner voice *Awareness of own behavioral patterns 

*Theory and group work concerning defense systems *Movement work

*Hands-on Healing skills (based on the work of Barbara Brennan)

*Professional Practise skills *Experiential home work

*Personal coaching


‘Transformation is the most profound growing proces that results in a new way of living: there is no longer a need for control, instead we experience freedom and full responsibility. We start to live from within, from the heart and no longer out of external needs. We experience inner peace and free flow of energy, we feel deep contact with ourselves and understand our place in the world…’


The year training practical:   (see facebook page: Ilse Grace Scheers / Bewust Zijn)

Year 1: Relation with the Self – Year 2: Relation with the Other – Year 3: Relation with the Divine

  • Data ’15-’16 Year 1:  9 weekends, from friday evening until sunday afternoon: 23-25 oct, 20-22 nov, 18-20 dec, 15-17 jan, 12-14 feb, 11-13 march, 22-24 april, 20-22 may, 17-19 june                                      
  • ( adjustements possible in consultation with students)
  • Price: 2.200 euro, VAT excl.(spread paying possible)
  • Location: Milagrow, Aartselaar (www.milagrow.org
  • Deadline enrollments: September 30, 2016
  • Other practicalities will be given at the enrollment.
  • Info: Ilse Scheers, scheersilse@gmail.com,Facebook: Ilse Scheers, 0478/393118
‘I believe in and experience every day the enormous potential in each of us ; when we are willing to let go over and over again and keep growing, we really start to live the way we deeply long for, from our essence, from our true power. ’

Ilse Scheers is an animated coach and energy worker. After 20 years of passionate people management in the art business, she resolutely choose for deepening. She went to several professional trainings in consciousness and energy work a.o. Barbara Brennan School of Healing, and has her own successful practise now in Edegem. Next to that she made an old dream come true: she made her own CD with the name GRACE and started with live performing, see www.ilsescheers.com en www.gracemusic.be