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Saturday, 21 December 2013

Going through the process of transformation brings you at some point into very deep contact with your family; the people who brought you into this world, the people who grew up with you, the people who know you in some way, and have done so for quite some time. It is an intense process of understanding, accepting, forgiving, receiving. Things are not always what they seem and there is so much to learn from all the different higher truth perspectives (*).

(*) Highest Truth: see blog September '13; Twin souls: see blog April '13

Many times, living in the new world, undergoing full transformation, means refinding your family. Maybe your birthparents are not also your spiritual parents, maybe your natural children are not also your spiritual children. In the old world, there was a lot of mixing up: twin souls(*) who did not find each other, who had children who experienced missing parental elements. Transformation brings natural ànd spiritual families together and families become bigger and complete.

These renewed family constellations that occur as a result of full transformation, play a very important part in the new collective consciousness, they are new common ground, true coming home, the building of the new world.

Ilse Scheers, December 2013, Full Moon


Ilse Grace Scheers

Brennan Healing Science Practitioner
Center for Energy Work

Mechelsesteenweg 309
2500 Lier

+32 (0)478 393118

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