Blog Calendar Schedule a session Newsletter

Training and support

You are unique. So that your personal trajectory of growth in Consciousness can connect as much as possible with your unique Self, my offer consists of both short and longer training courses and modules, multi-day retreats, constellation work, day workshops, sounding and vocal coaching, lectures and personal sessions. I work with clients from all over the world and am available for long distance sessions via Skype or phone.

Upcoming activities

KalendersDe Jaartraining 'BewustZijn' - Basis Online

17 April 2024 19:00 - 21:30


20 April 2024 09:00 - 13:00

KalendersLIGHTwave - Begeleide Meditatie

21 April 2024 10:30 - 11:30

KalendersDe Jaartraining 'BewustZijn' - Verdieping Live

04 May 2024 10:00 - 05 May 2024 17:00

KalendersDe Jaartraining 'BewustZijn' - Basis Online

08 May 2024 19:00 - 21:30

KalendersDe Jaartraining 'BewustZijn' - Basis Live - ONLINEles

11 May 2024 10:00 - 13:00


25 May 2024 09:00 - 13:00

Center for Energy Work

The Center for Energy Work is located in Lier on the beautiful domain of Hof Van Lachenen. Its natural environment makes it the perfect place for introspection and harmony. It is a true oasis of beauty and peacefulness, completely free of radiation. When you enter the driveway, you immediately experience the high vibration of the domain. You are welcomed by the old trees, the lake, the moat and the animals. The signage brings you automatically to the practice, where a cozy waiting room offers you a place.

Ilse Grace





  • Sound Healing Concert Millegem, 15/09/23

    3 July, 2023

  • Solo Concerts Elaisa Energetic Wellness Spring 2023

    1 January, 2023

  • Elaisa Concert Oct 15

    1 October, 2022

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Jinne Kracht
Jinne Kracht

Hebben jullie ook de ervaring dat dit jaar stuwend is? Toewijding en daadkracht lijken de thema's te zijn. En we zagen het ook nog net in een Familieopstelling: vrouwelijke energie is zo belangrijk voor het collectief maar vooral ook de vrouwelijke kracht, zodat er werkelijk een nieuwe beweging op gang kan komen. Vrouwelijke energie is zacht en verbindend én ze…

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Ageer. Re-ageer nimmer. - Let's Be A LightHouse!
Ageer. Re-ageer nimmer. - Let's Be A LightHouse!

We leven in buitengewone tijden, de langverwachte, buitengewone Shift is doorgestart, eindelijk! Transformatie naar een nieuwe samenleving (zie blog 13/03/2013), naar een hogere frekwentie is een ongezien, wereldwijd proces waar nu versnelling in gekomen is, eindelijk! Het is dan ook niet verwonderlijk dat dit niet zonder enige slag of stoot gebeurt...    

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About Ilse

Ilse Grace Scheers

Teacher and Mentor

At the Ilse Grace Scheers School I provide annual courses, group workshops, individual workshops and retreats on personal growth and consciousness. I am both a teacher and a mentor, so you can always share your personal story in my courses. I teach both professionals and non-professionals.

Transformation Coach - Energetic Healer 

From my in-depth training and years of experience, I have built up the expertise to help you reconnect with your real desires so that you can make choices and decisions from there. More and more, my healing methods go beyond words and I work from intention and resonance, also through sound, with your field so that we automatically reach the deepest layers of your blockages very quickly. In my twelve years of experience, I have helped thousands of people.

Sound Healing Artist

In addition to being an energy worker, I am also a Soundhealing Artist. Working with sound is magical. Sound works through all dimensions and thus reaches the deepest layers of your blockage very quickly. When the intention and frequency resonates with your field, healing happens immediately and without effort. I apply sound healing in personal sessions. You can also see me at work as a Soundhealing Artist in Soundhealing concerts. (see Gracemusic)

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Ilse Grace Scheers

Brennan Healing Science Practitioner
Center for Energy Work

Mechelsesteenweg 309
2500 Lier

+32 (0)478 393118

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